These are just a few of the reasons why shopping secondhand is beneficial for the environment. One thing might not serve the person that originally bought the item, but maybe. Blue Whales Chase the Wind to Hunt Tiny Prey. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Cline suspects, though, that the actual amount is higher due to the low-quality, synthetic clothing barreling through our system. 13. This method . They dont sell for any number of reasons but more importantly, large retailers send their clothes away, damage them, and/or throw them away even when theyre in perfect condition.These practices only add to the wastefulness of the clothing retail industry. Save up to 70% off the cover price when you subscribe to Discover magazine. This is the difference in cost for a basic outfit from popular retailers vs. thrift stores: When you donate and shop at thrift stores, you are preventing clothes from going into landfills, and because many thrift stores are run by nonprofits (like. Some stores always have nice clothing and get refreshed every Thursday. (Video) Thrifting: Environmental and Economic Benefits, (Video) Thrifting: The Environmental and Money Saving Impact of Thrift Shopping, (Video) Thrifting, zero waste, and sustainability can be detrimental (and what you can do instead), (Video) Why Thrifting is Good for the Environment- Persuasive Spch, (Video) THRIFTING TIPS / WHY THRIFT SHOPPING BETTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT / GREENWASHING, (Video) Motivational Presentation: Thrift Shopping and Its Positive Effect on the Environment, (Video) Here's How Thrifting Is Great For The Environment. Stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army take items for free and sell them to turn a profit.Salvation Army has made headlines for years as an anti-LGBTQ+ brand. Why thrifting is good for the environment? Thrifting or shopping secondhand isa great wayto reduce your environmental footprintwhile finding somereally cooland unique items that youwouldntbe able to get elsewhere. The thrift store system we have today was set up at a time in history when clothes were more rarefied and valued and that system will need a rethink and a reset in the era of fast fashion. Both of these options can be a bit pricey, but if they last, feel great, and impact the environment positively, its an investment worth making. For example, in a study carried out by, and commissioned by online secondhand retailer. Your email address will not be published. Consignment stores will generally have higher prices than thrift shops, but its also more likely to find high-quality pieces.Consignment stores sell an item for the original owner and they take a cut of the sale. "The thrift store industry by contrast makes every effort to find a market for the clothes they get. When you thrift something, you are not directly supporting the demand for new things to be made, and this has a positive impact since resources and energy were already used to create that item. During the reporting for this story, Salvation Army simply said their percentage breakdowns varied per location and Goodwill never responded to this publication's requests for comment. But now, that has been replaced with hauls from thrift stores. Thrifting means to go shopping at a thrift store or somewhere that sells used goods at a low cost. When we create synthetic fabrics, greenhouse gases are released which contribute to climate change. What most people dont realize is the positive effect they are making on the environment by deciding to thrift their clothes as opposed to buying them from large clothing companies. Saving water: The fashion industry consumes a staggering amount of water each day to manufacture new clothing. Thrifting Locally Shopping sustainably by shopping at local thrift stores is a viable option to reducing, reusing, and recycling clothing. Ponitch says synthetic fabrics would often gum up these machines and the recycling facilities are piled high with so much stuff they feel like a landfill. Additionally, the production of garments is a major pollutant. So yes, thrifting is better for the environment than fast fashion. In recent years, thrifting has become a popular activity for those of all ages, especially teens. While thrifting is often seen as a fun pasttime among those in our generation, its also important we consider the paradoxical nature of thrift shopping being popular among upper- and middle-class young people. Thrifting is good for the environment for a multitude of reasonings: A lesser amount of resources would be wasted if people invested in second-hand clothing because, believe it or not, one cotton tee shirt requires 100 gallons of water to make and one pair of jeans requires 1,800 gallons. I like it because their clothes are always in good condition and some pieces still have tags on them. Why should people look for the latest trends at fast fashion outlets when they can find equally nice pieces at their local thrift store instead? Each year, Goodwills life-changing programs and services. With thrifting, you keep these items from going to waste by giving them a new life. ), you are supporting your community. This has led to a debate as to how environmentally friendly thrifting actually is. resources when we thrift something, but overall, less things are thrown away as well. I promise you those sweaters didnt cost the equivalent of $20 when they were first bought.Today, you can go to a store at any mall or shopping center and buy a relatively cheap article of clothing. These chemicals contaminate our water, soil, and air, and this can impact wildlife and the quality of many resources we use to survive. Goodwill Staffing Services for Your Staffing and Hiring Needs, Things Forgotten: Specialty & Senior Move Managers, Provide community employment opportunities for over. its an item youve been looking to have or something that goes great in your home. But, somewhere along the fashion lines, it became trendy to wear other peoples used clothing. Think about it, when someone owns a piece of clothing and then donates it, no new material is being used by the time you buy it. Some stores dont allow credit or debit below a certain dollar amount because of high credit card fees. Is thrifting better than fast fashion? Nobody taught us the importance of textile recycling, however. Thrifting is recycling. Click here for five things you should know about Goodwill of Colorado. Thrifting is gentler on the environment by reducing pollution and waste. In addition, many well-known name brands such as Forever 21 and Nike hire employees to work extremely long hours in hazardous conditions for next-to-no pay. But thanks to thrift store shopping, about 38 million pounds of clothing are saved from the landfill annually. Some popular thrift stores are Goodwill and the Salvation Army. Especially if it's not from a secondhand outlet. Required fields are marked *, California State University, Northridge Thrift Store Shopping Helps You Support Charities. For any person with a personal sense of style, thrifting shopping can be a sanctuary to express oneself. Rather than following fashion trends, many people opt for thrifting as a way to communicate personal style. In addition, when clothing is shipped for re-sale overseas a growing percentage is getting trashed there as well, noted Cline though the data is similarly limited. For many low-income families, thrift shopping is one of the only accessible ways to get by and that should not be romanticized. Thrift shopping, or secondhand shopping, isnt just for the frugal anymore. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Though I cant relate to the clothes and furniture side of thrift shopping, one of my favorite stores currently is Book Off, a store that sells used books, DVDs, CDs, and electronics. In addition to reducing the amount of waste we create from manufacturing clothing, thrifting also decreases the amount of energy we use to make these clothing items. Which is the cheapest online shopping site in India? To help lessen the impact that this has on the environment, you can choose to donate things instead of tossing them and consider looking for an item secondhand next time you need something. Hippies and hipsters alike spend hours picking through massive bins and swiping through racks of cheap, eccentric clothing faster than they swipe through people on Tinder. (Video) Why is second hand shopping sustainable? When it comes to clothing, textiles need to be grown using pesticides, and then those fabrics are treated with harsh chemicals and dyes that can be not . In that documentary, I learned about the fast fashion culture, where women and children work long hours in such dangerous conditions for cheap wages. If youd like to see what that wastefulness looks like, check out this Insider article. Additionally, many influencers nowadays tend to promote thrifting because of its environmental and economic benefits. The creation of new things takes a lot of resources, especially in todays world of fast fashion and hyperconsumerism. Thrifting is the ultimate way to live out the slogan, "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!" Whether you're picking up a gently used outfit for that party this weekend or some glass vases to do some DIY magic. 5. Synthetic fibers, which are often used in modern clothing designs because they are cheap, require tons of energy as well as crude oils like petroleum. So what can we do to help? As a last resort the clothing is shredded in machines and returned to fibers that can be used to make new products such as upholstery and home installation. Those are the little ways we can help but, of course, the big changes will come from the top with brands needing to move back toward prioritizing durability and making items easier to recycle. As a gay man, I avoid the Salvation Army. By buying used clothing, you prevent just a little bit of waste and pollution, and are not directly supporting companies that utilize severely cheap labor. This might seem like a no-brainer, but if youve never been to a thrift shop then it might feel a little daunting.The first thing you need to do is figure out what you are looking for. Get the facts! Factories dump their waste into waterways, therefore polluting the homes of locals and wildlife nearby, the article continues. Additionally, the production of garments is a major pollutant. The breakdown of where unsellable items wind up is listed as follows with 90 percent sold in aftermarket, 3 percent for industrial use, 2 percent for recycling and the remaining 5 percent headed for the landfill or incineration. Whether you are donating your unwanted items, looking for something specific, or just seeing what is out there, Goodwill is a great resource to find cool items while saving money and the planet. Thrifting helps reduce the amount of clothing produced through manufacturing, a process that is very taxing on the environment. In the past, she interned at Ka Leo, the student newspaper for UH Manoa, where she was promoted to a Staff Writer role during her last semester of college. In fact, most of my Bon Jovi albums in my collection are from that store. Thrift shops usually offer incredibly affordable prices versus their retail counterparts. Sustainably is a blog written by Andrew Baldino featuring content for anyone looking to join the sustainability movement. If youre concerned about the ethics of some thrift stores, then you can always do research on big names and see if their values align with yours. It is always important to be aware of your privilege while thrifting, as it is many peoples only means of obtaining clothing. In addition to obtaining great deals, you can help the community by supporting a local charity, reducing waste, creating connections, and more. It takes a lot of manufacturing and processing to be able to create new things. Some of these natural resources are being used at a rate that is faster than they can be produced and. How does thrifting lower your carbon footprint? There are also times when thrift shops have big sales, giving you the chance to score even more great pieces at crazy low prices. If you looked it up, you would find that there is an astronomical amount of water used in textile production that is incredibly wasteful. Thrift store shopping is about purchasing goods from a thrift shop. Specific to clothing and textiles, less fabric is wasted, and the water footprint of an item becomes less since the life of the item is extended. Despite how good thrifting sounds right now, there are some common concerns about the rising trend. So yes, thrifting is better for the environment than fast fashion. When you donate and shop at thrift stores, you are preventing clothes from going into landfills, and because many thrift stores are run by nonprofits (like Out of the Closet and Salvation Army), you are supporting your community. Moreover, shopping secondhand reduces the popularity of fast fashion, which is not environmentally sustainable and often exploits workers. If you have kids who are growing fast, its cost effective to buy a $7 pair of jeans rather than a $20 pair. Lots of thrift stores and charity stores arent transparent about where they source items from (or the wages theyre paying their staff.). Why is thrifting better than fast fashion? Thrifting websites and apps like Poshmark and Depop even help people sell their clothes virtually. These products can be your next potential DIY project as well, which can bring out more of the creativity you have in you. How does thrifting lower your carbon footprint? These workers are typically women and children who do not have access to fair work conditions and education. To help lessen the impact that this has on the environment, you can choose to donate things instead of tossing them and consider looking for an item secondhand next time you need something. This fact means that you can freely revamp thrifted pieces by altering them and adding the perfect matching accessories to make them stylish once more. If youve ever been to a thrift store, youve probably noticed the budget-friendly prices and constant sales most stores have. The fast fashion industry is growing by the minute and it's not stopping anytime soon. hormones and gut microbiome, and theres still research to be uncovered as to how these chemicals can impact our bodies. Thrifting has quickly become a favorite pastime. 19. Lets talk about thriftings evil opposite, fast fashion.Fast fashion is a term used to describe a segment of the clothing industry that creates clothes quickly and cheaply in an effort to keep up with short-lived trends.As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. It's their business to resell clothing and landfilling is not the ideal outcome." How Can We Help Thrift Stores? 10. (A lot of it) ends up being sent somewhere else for someone else to deal with.. Shopping second hand is a great way to give a new home to some awesome items that would otherwise end up in the trash. I know what (the items) are going to look like in the afterlife. hire employees to work extremely long hours in hazardous conditions for next-to-no pay. Some popular thrift stores are Goodwill and the Salvation Army. If you want to be more sustainable, here are some tips: Many people will throw away or donate clothes when a button detaches, a stitch snaps, or a zipper breaks. APPLY FOR OUR CHRISTIAN-BASED 12 STEP ADDICTION RECOVERY PROGRAM, Santa Rosa Beach, FL : (850) 267-1061 More on that later. By thrifting, you are indirectly helping put an end to the fast fashion industry which is built on the breaking backs and cracking hands of the international impoverished. 2020 Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago. Photo courtesy of Becca McHaffie via Unsplash. In todays political sphere, in which climate change deniers are in charge and are stripping away environmental rights, like the dismantling of endangered species conservation for oil and gas production, we must become smarter and more sustainable consumers. One way is to ensure that we're donating quality items. (Video) Why Thrifting is an Ethical and Environmental Choice | Tea Talk with Telka, (Video) To eliminate waste, we need to rediscover thrift | Andrew Dent. The fashion industry is accountable for between 8%-10% of all emissions. The thrift store industry by contrast makes every effort to find a market for the clothes they get. The thrift store system we have today was set up at a time in history when clothes were more rarefied and valued and that system will need a rethink and a reset in the era of fast fashion. Why is thrifting better than buying new? Its also a great place to sell items or offer free items instead of throwing them away.When youve figured out what shops youre going to visit, all you need to do is bring yourself and your wallet. According to the experts, mending items is a far more sustainable option. Thrift store shopping is about purchasing goods from a thrift shop. The system is just breaking down at this point. How fast does fashion affect the environment? Its basically zero.I say basically because a thrift store still needs electricity, generates waste, and does other things that have an environmental footprint. Clothing production uses up a lot of resources, including water. Whether itd be a vintage Disneyland shirt, an old painting that could use a touch-up, a 50s-inspired vase, or a Bon Jovi album. While we cant all take a trip to London to. These workers are typically women and children who do not have access to fair work conditions and education. 18.6 million tons of clothes are incinerated or sent to landfills every year. 25 Easy Things You Can Do Today To Be More Sustainable. When People Vandalize Art, Conservators Come to the Rescue. Whether you find something new with the tags on it still or a preloved vintage item, you are choosing an option that didnt involve new resource and energy consumption, potentially saving something from being thrown into a landfill, and lessening the burden of pollutants on the environment that come from consumerism. Some of these natural resources are being used at a rate that is faster than they can be produced and are non-renewable. Also, recycling clothes may require lot of energy which thrift shopping can limits. Is thrifting better than fast fashion? What problem does the thrift store solve? That adds up to around 26 BILLION pounds of clothing going right to landfills. Thanks for joining me today! If you have an idea, project or something you'd like to share with us for a possible guest post, please email it to, Three Reasons Why Thrifting is Better for the Environment, impact on the environment, but every small action counts. This means that you can save a lot of money when thrifting compared to buying something brand-new at a retail store. 26. 1. According to America's Research Group, a consumer research firm, about 16 - 18% of Americans will shop at a thrift store during a given year. Thrift shopping is good for the environment and its the easiest way to reduce carbon pollution. Here are some of the many reasons why thrifting is better than buyingnew items. At the end of the day, donating or recycling your clothing is better than throwing it in the trash. For example, the Seattle startup Evrnu is transforming cotton clothing into rayon yarn which can be recycled multiple times, says Cline. You're way less likely to run into someone wearing the same outfit as you, too, because you're piecing together your looks on your own; there's no corporate visual directive for mannequin outfits at thrift stores. Through thrift shopping you are REDUCING WASTE: There is a direct reduction in the amount of clothing that would otherwise end up in the landfill. In general, thrifting can be pretty hit or miss, so ThredUp is an easy way to find exactly what you are looking for., A post shared by Melissa Cox | HS Teacher (@theyoungishteacher), Achona Copyright 2023 FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO Log in, Your email address will not be published. Thats because the original owner of the piece is either selling it through the store or selling it to the consignment store, rather than dropping it off as a donation to be forgotten about. impact on the environment, but every small action counts. Its good to buy clothing that already exists instead of contributing to the demand of cheaply made clothing, specifically overseas. So by going to the stores closest to you, youre less likely to feel inconvenienced if you dont find what youre looking for. Thrifting or shopping secondhand is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint while finding some really cool and unique items that you wouldnt be able to get elsewhere.