You can buy a smudge stick at grocery stores, Walmart, Whole Foods Store, or on Amazon. It is believed that the smoke so emitted ascends along with our wishes and intentions to mingle with the universe. If you manage to light the stick evenly, you wont need to blow to extinguish the fire itll die out after some time. This way you can enjoy the benefits of sage along with the scent of your favorite plant. Any help , please . Jesus, bless this house and all who enter it in this house. Prayer for cleansing your surroundings 5. May it come with nurturance, compassion, forgiveness, and truth.. These types of smudging prayer can be particularly potent if said allowed when you first wake up in the morning, as they will put you in a positive mindset ready for the day ahead. If you think your place is haunted. Chances are, you want your home to be a place of peace and prosperityand there's no better way to achieve that than through a house blessing ritual. The most common herb used is white sage which is a sacred herb across many cultures for its intense purifying properties, however other herbs can be used too. CAUTION Keep a bowl of sand handy at all times during the smudging process. Clients sometimes complain that they cant get their sage to stay lit, so heres how to energetically clear your space with sage: Hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light the sage, let it burn for about 20 seconds, and then gently blow out the flame so that you see orange embers on one end. Before you light up your smudge stick, make sure that youre relaxed and free of any negative emotion. Waving your hand to direct the smoke will work, too. Your home is officially free from any negative energy which leaves you one step closer to peace or a psychic awakening. God, endow my body and keep it purified. You may take baths from time to time, but have you ever taken a spiritual bath? Then you can start the process of cleaning your space. Close your eyes, take deep breaths and you will naturally feel different energy a lot happier and a lot less anxious. Here are 5 short smudging prayers you can use in your smudging ceremonies for protection: Smudging is a fantastic way to cleanse your home if the air is feeling heavy or there is a sense of unease. I will receive a small commission if you choose to make a purchase on this post. Let me learn the lessons you have She holds a degree in Physical Therapy from, 1/10 What Prayer Do You Say When Smudging, 2/10 How Do You Burn Sage in Your House to Get Rid of Bad Vibes, 4/10 What to Say While Cleansing With Incense, 6/10 How Do You Do a Sage Smudge Ceremony, 10/10 What Does the Catholic Church Say About Smudging. Consider a monthly, weekly, or daily ritual depending on your needs. Furthermore, when you are feeling stronger and more positive, you are much more likely to be open to new experiences and attract positivity into your life. In a pinch, you can also use a candle or your stove. Bless my feet that they will walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Use a feather or your hands to push the smoke to each location inside the house; if there is an open door or window, you can use the feather to push the smoke outside, carrying the negative energies with it. We pray this prayer in Jesus Christs name, Amen.. When used for smudging prayer it generates a sweet, bright and minty energy to keep you energized and positive for the entire day. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. A Smudging Prayer May your hands be cleansed so they can create beautiful things; may your feet be cleansed so they can carry you to where you need to be; may your heart be cleansed so you can hear its messages clearly; may your throat be cleansed so you can speak correctly when words are required. "The deity of All Goddesses and Gods of Light, There is no denying that we all need sacred energies to cleanse and purify our souls once in a while, The negativity surrounding us sometimes becomes so immense that it gets our best and replaces all positive energy with negative energy, In situations like these, we feel sluggish and depressed. The spiritual method empties and clears past energy. Dear Jesus Christ, I know my life has been full of many sins. It is essential that when working with cleansing energy, we first ground within our body. We must believe that when we pray to our God, He will surely listen to our prayers and banish these negative energies from coming back. Have fears about how your children will grow? Do you want to be more productive in your home? Your intentions should just focus on the entities you believe are occupying your space. 1. Smudging prayers can be customized to specify practically any intent, from healing rifts between partners to infertility and idleness. YouTube and make sure that the smoke from the burning sage is wafting throughout their home. ", "May your mind be cleansedSo that it can think wonderful thingsMay your palms be cleansedSo that they can create magnificent thingsMay your footsteps be cleansedSo that they can take you to the places you need to beMay your soul be cleansedSo that you can listen to what it says clearlyMay your tongue be cleansedTo help you speak rightly andWhen you need words to give your messageMay your vision be cleansedSo that you can see the wonders and signs of this worldMay this space and person be washed by the smokeAnd carry your wishes, prayers, and thoughts to the spiraling heavens.". How Long Will It Take For These Prayers To Work? I command negativity, bleakness, discomfort, low vibrational force, and non-benevolent beings present in this space to go. Shadows . Its essential to remember that every situation is distinctive, so the more you can feel and adapt the prayer to your intention, the better it will be. Otherwise, it will stay in your house. The process of smudging is planned to cleanse, purify, and get rid of negative energy. Renew us, protect us, and bless this home as we seek to know and serve you better. You should smudge any personal space that you spend time in on a regular basis. * Sacred and holy ones, please clear this place of stagnant and negative energy. You need white sage bundle, palo santo, abalone shell, or a flame retardant bowl to lighten your negative energies. Place your stick above your fireproof container. Drive away the forces of evil through your power. It also prays for a beautiful life. Depending on how big your house is, the smudging process shouldnt take you more than 30 minutes. Invite your angels and guides to assist you. Water: many people opt to use an abalone shell as the bowl, which represents this element. Burning sage, sweetgrass, and cedar is designed to clear negative energy and either weaken or remove negative entities such as nasty spirits and demons. Before smudging your home, say a small prayer. Copyright 2021 Haunted Ghost Stories | Birch on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, How To Get Rid Of Negative Energy With Smudging, smudge stick at grocery stores, Walmart, Whole Foods Store, or on Amazon,, How to make a Smudge Stick (, How to Tell if a Spirit is Attached to you, How To Protect Myself From The Witching Hour. The circumstances have been affecting my parents and ancestors. May 27, 2020 Smudging with sage is a popular way to clear negative energy and invite positivity into your home. It is best to think of one thing you want to get rid of, such as negativity or a bad habit, then make one positive affirmation to confirm your intention. Thus, take some time to introspect and contemplate. Make me wise so that I may understand the things You can say these beautiful prayers for cleansing your home or anyones home. The process of smudging is intended to cleanse, purify, and get rid of negative energy. You have no hold or power here, for I stand and face you with no fear. Is the depression taking over and you cant seem to identify the reason? If you have just entered the ceremonial cleansing regime, it is better to keep things light and simple. May you clean your hands to create beautiful things. Open a window when saying this smudging prayer to allow all the bad energy and negativity to leave. Also, at the end of the article, you will find 7 important points to bear in mind to make your smudging really effective. I graciously put forward my intention of making a dwelling for myself, and living peacefully and reciprocity with the energy and spirits that are part of this place.". it is a representative of water since it is found in the oceans. Or its part of your daily ritual or to welcome the Equinox. May your eyes be cleansed, that you might see the signs and wonders of the world. As long as you are filled with positivity, its entirely your call! Now that you have your intentions defined, redirect your mind to all the things that have been blocking you recently. This can be as simple as 'I want to clear the space of any negativity'. Light your sage stick. Walk clockwise and be mindful while moving. When the smudge stick is lit, walk around the area you wish to cleanse to ensure the purifying energies reach into every corner. Its like a major cleanup of the spiritual kind. You can use sweetgrass, cedar, bayberry, lavender, and more. Practically it used to fan the smoke and enrich the environment with its positive properties. Air: the smoke that is created when the smudging stick has been lit. Bad family karma,not liking each other. The mind is incredibly powerful. I call back and forth the consciousness of the sage and Palo Santo, in conjunction with my almighty guide, to fully clean my energy and all negativity, to purify and release any density, or anything that no longer exists or serves. Into the smoke I release. While the former becomes difficult (even impossible at times), the later is very much possible with multiple cleansing rituals. May the artwork, project, contract anything that comes my way prosper. Smudging with sage is a famous way to clear negative energy and invite positivity into your home. The prayer helps bring clarity and focus to what you're trying to achieve. I cleanse my home of any heaviness and negativity. The combination can be miraculous in terms of spiritual well-being. At times, the smell is so pleasant that it defeats the sacred white sage as well. The spiritual method empties and cleanses out past energy. That is why many people opt for this process after significant transitions in life, like losing something or moving to a new house. This revitalizing ritual can, 9 Step Spiritual Cleansing Bath Ritual to Revitalize Your Entire Being, Sandalwood is one of the most sacred trees in the world. If you dont open the windows/doors in your house, then burning a smudge stick will only fill your place with a pleasant smell, but the negative energy will stay in your home. "May this sage cleanse your hands, your feet, your mind, your throat, your souls, and your eyes. You dont have to put your smudge stick on it since you can hold it while smudging, but youll need it to put out the fire in the beginning and at the end. She lives in Cambridge UK, with her two daughters and husband. Keep a candle handy along with match sticks or lighter. TIP During old times, smudging prayer was more of a spiritual activity than a cleaning process thus the Native Americans also played drum or drumming music representing the beat of the heart. Both energies have a significant impact on our lives. Things coming up missing and never find again . "The negativity of this sacred space I expel you by using the light of my scared grace You hold no right or power here I face and stand you without fear Be gone eternally you have to obey From my blessed space, you should go away. Cedar leaves are widely used as a purification agent and the smoke from burning this sacred plant is believed to attract good energies and spirits. If I have to answer the time to conduct a smudging prayer, its best in day-light (as mentioned in the additional tips section). Fact Check: Burning cedar calms restless children and even acts as a disinfectant. Hence its best to allow yourself enough time. Now that you have all your tools and preparations in place, you can begin the smudging ritual. The sage is available in various forms but the two most common ones are White sage and Dessert sage. Return to the start point. Its not necessary, but if you like to be thorough, a fanning tool will help the smoke reach every corner of your house. Sacred plant, May you help me connect to my deepest womb, wisdom, the center of my spiritual purpose, limitless potential, and creativity. This smudging prayer allows you to thank and honor your home for everything it has ever given to you and invites the right people to take in your place. Sand or soil will help extinguish your smudge stick, but its also not necessary. In this regard, smudging is one of the best ways to cleanse the energy field of any space, person, or thing. I pray and ask through my relationship with the Divine Spirit that my home be cleansed of all negative thoughts, suggestions, influences, and energetic debris that can reside here on all energy levels. Source of all knowing and comfort, Tips for Smudging to Remove Negative Energy 1) Recognize the Good in Everything While negativity can take over our minds and lives quickly, acknowledging that not everything is bad can aid the smudging process. Sage has been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Romans to treat digestive issues, memory problems, and sore throats. Bless this house so that it will remove negativity and fear and burn all evil spirits. Prayers work depending on our beliefs. You only need a few items for smudging three, to be exact. You should never perform a smudging ceremony if you are angry or upset as this can offset the balance and actually make your situation worse! Feeling like being watched . She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. The process involves burning sage, herbs, or resins to release sacred healing smoke. If you have never tried ceremonial cleansing before and dont know any smudging prayers, we have you covered. However, sometimes you may want to be more specific in the type of energy you bring into your home, or maybe you are just looking for an uplifting affirmation that will raise your spirits. Make sure theres someone around the burning sage (or any other herbs) at all times. Theres a lot of positivity out there, but theres negativity too. This means you can perform the process anywhere. SMUDGING 101: Cleaning Your Home with Sage & Palo Santo. Some people like to smudge daily. It may be helpful to meditate beforehand to calm your mind, or just take a few deep breaths to center yourself. It's an ancient practice where you burn sacred plants such as sage, to allow the smoke to clear and bless a space. I soak into generosity, praise, appreciation, and gratitude for self-acceptance and fellow being. If you want to cleanse your aura instead of home, outline your body with the smudge stick starting from your head down. "Id like to invite in the Divine abundance of inspiration, creativity, and productivity to my space. You might forget about the burning stick if you get distracted. If anything is not aligned with this highest light and truth, let it be emptied and released into the divine light. You dont want the energy of the previous owners to linger, right? You can also burn sage to cleanse objects such as second-hand items and souvenirs, which can help clear any negative energy or history associated with the object. Selling a home doesnt close the chapter in your life but helps someone begin a new one. Heres a recap: Whenever you feel theres a block in your positive thoughts or its been greatly replaced by negative thoughts. If negative energy and harmful influences have entered your life, it is essential to invite God to mend and purify you. It has numerous spiritual and magical properties. Release any negativity, density, or attachments, into the light to help me shine with the highest promising vibration and embrace the highest authenticity. December 29, 2022 by Guardian Angel. Some people like to consider this act as the beginning to a fresh start or an even balance. You can also try these prayers to get rid of evil spirits. Understanding how to cleanse yourself of negative energy is an essential step in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you work in the customer service industry, perhaps you might need to smudge more often than someone who is a writer and works at home and alone. Yes, you guessed it right, its a cleansing ritual to help you start anew and refreshed. We are our best guides when identifying negative energyso pay attention to your intuition. Once you're ready, hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light it using your match or candle, and let it burn for about 20 seconds. Does there seem to be a cloud of negativity following you wherever you go? Release old family curses. When you pray, you direct all your energy toward a higher power and this, 8 Affirmative Prayer Examples (Prayers for Clarity, Abundance, Healing and more). "Walk around the space in a clockwise motion, using your hands gently wave the stick around to create a light flow of smoke. ward off bad energy, lull you into a deeper state of mediation, and fill your home with blessings! Protection rituals can help you to get rid of unwanted negative energy, which may cause you to feel frustrated, drained, 9 Protection Rituals to Protect Your Space and Energy, The powerfully fragrant nutmeg seed and mace (the fleshy outer covering of the seed) have been revered since ancient times, 7 Magical Properties of Nutmeg (Prosperity, Protection, Spiritual Awareness, Confidence, and More), Prayer is a form of meditation. The smudging prayers below are short, simple, and great for any kind of ceremonial cleansing. You can also wear some items of protection to prevent the negative energy from entering you. "Sacred plant, may you cleanse this space by taking away evil energies and vibes that no longer serve the highest good, and create more space for peace, love, and light to pour in. Your words themselves do not necessarily work on their own, instead they are powered by your thoughts and feelings. You can use it to, Saying this smudging prayer is one way to, Introducing yourself to the place you are moving into is always an. Est. The intention is the key to every spiritual ceremony, let alone smudging. It is more about the people who inhabited the place. Our site uses cookies. The spiritual method empties and cleanses out past energy. "I command negativity, bleakness, despair, any low vibrational force, and non-benevolent beings present in this space to go or to leave. I live in harmony of mind, body, and spirit. When you smudge your house, you are metaphysically removing all the bad energy from within your four walls. However, in case you dont have an abalone shell, you can also use a fireproof container or a bowl underneath the smudge stick. Hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light the sage, let it burn for about 20 seconds and then gently extinguish the flame so that you see orange embers at one end. For Native Americans, feathers bring in the air element. This smudging prayer is full of positive vibes and has great power for those who seek calmness and peace for the soul and positive vibes for their space. Video How to Cleanse Your Energy With Intention, White Sage Smudging, and Palo Santo! If you feel overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, thats a good sign that a cleanse is in order. Smudging typically involves wafting sacred smoke of different dried herbs such as cinnamon stick, sage, and Palo Santo around the house, and belongings. Prayer for cleansing your surroundings, Qigong Vs Yoga Key Differences (+ Which One is Right For You? Visualize all the negative energies dispersing and the positive spirits entering your space. These mantras allow people to extract out critical feelings, and self-condemnation and the impact of bad life experiences. Be as honest as you can be and the universe will listen. Smudging prayers for protecting your family are particularly beneficial if you put your emotions into your words. Its not only because smudging requires concentration, but its also a safety precaution. But to fight my greatest enemy myself. May this person and space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants. I respect the completion of my karmic cycle and would like to call in the subsequent cycle in alignment with the highest spirit within me and the spirit within this home. You can also use a fan to do this if you prefer. Through proper smudging, you can remove negative vibes, heavy feelings, bad energy, and, most importantly, deflect all evil intentions. Walk through this house and watch over its family. Has it been a challenging time for you and your family? An amulet, talisman, gemstone or anything else that can act as a layer of protection. You may feel the need to cleanse your surroundings before performing a ritual, meditation, or even before you start on a new task, to ensure all negativity has been removed. Move mindfully and with care, walking clockwise around the entire interior perimeter of the home. A shorter prayer may look something like this: Please help me to feel good in my heart, and live positive thoughts. Last renter died .